The agricultural sectors in nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
The Paris Agreement was a landmark achievement in the international response to climatechange. The agreement was built on the intended nationally determined contributions(INDCs) submitted by Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC). The agricultural sectors (crops, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture) featureprominently in these national commitments, as outlined in the FAO study, The AgricultureSectors in the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs): Analysis. This is indicativeof growing international recognition that climate action in the agricultural sectors can betransformative in the response to climate change, and a driver for achieving the 2030 Agendafor Sustainable Development.Developing countries will take the lead in implementing their nationally determinedcontributions (NDCs). The international community has committed to support them in doingso, as well as adhere to the reporting requirements of the Paris Agreement and enhanceambition in future NDC cycles. Support for the agricultural sectors should be a priority for theinternational community given their prominence in the INDCs and their potential to enhanceadaptation and mitigation ambition.FAO has developed this paper, The agricultural sectors in nationally determined contributions(NDCs): Priority areas for international support, to guide the international community whendelivering this support. This paper builds on FAO’s study, The Agriculture Sectors in the IntendedNationally Determined Contributions (INDCs): Analysis. It identifies common challenges thatare preventing developing countries from achieving their commitments and ambitions in theagricultural sectors, as well as the types of support that are required to address them. These areclustered into five intervention areas:1. Compliance with the enhanced transparency framework of the Paris Agreement2. Coherent policy frameworks for climate action in the agricultural sectors3. Research, analysis and tools4. Capacity development for implementation and action in the agricultural sectors5. Investment for the development of the agricultural sectorsThe global community must rapidly scale up support in these areas. International organizations,technical agencies, financial institutions and other actors must work closely with developingcountries to mount a coordinated response to these challenges.
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