Call for Expression of Interests – Climate Diplomacy Project

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation & External Trade in partnership with the Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation invites highly qualified and interested individuals to put themselves forward as candidates for the following project positions:

  1. Special Climate Envoy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  2. Environmental Policy Specialist at the Ministry of Climate Change
  3. Legal Consultant at the Ministry of Climate Change
  4. Project Manager at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  5. Taskforce Assistant at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  6. Climate Attaché at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  7. Climate Diplomacy Intern at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Interested candidates are invited to submit the following package of documents, which constitutes the Expression of Interest:

  1. Cover letter which fully and completely addresses each of the competencies and qualifications specified for each role, and describes your motivation for working on this project.  (Detailed TORs are available by contacting: or call 33180 to enquire and
  2. CV which gives evidence of employment and educational history, and includes at least two professional referees.

For more information on the background information and scope of work for these positions, please contact:

Sanlan William

Climate Diplomacy Taskforce Secretariat

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

PMB 9057


Phone:  33180


Closing Date: 