Vanuatu NAB Search
Long yia ia 2023, Dipatmen blong Klaemet Jenj I stap long aelan blong Ambae long Penama provins blong hostem annual event blong Climate Change mass kampen awareness abaot wok blong em wetem ol patna blong em...evriwan long Penama Province I welkam blong join long ol activiti we bambae i happen long taem ia ..
Long yia ia 2023, Dipatmen blong Klaemet Jenj I stap long aelan blong Ambae long Penama provins blong hostem annual event blong Climate Change mass kampen awareness abaot wok blong em wetem ol patna blong em...evriwan long Penama Province I welkam blong join long ol activiti we bambae i happen long taem ia ..
21st September marks the NAPs proposal consultation conducted with national stakeholders. This event is organised by Ministry of Climate Change in close collaboration with the Global Green Growth Institute office based in Vanuatu.
The Department of climate Change in its fourth year of organizing the National event to provide awareness program and activities to our communities, schools, and their people with issues around the impacts of climate change.The Department will be carrying out Climate Change various activities from Wednesday11 th to Friday 13th October 2023 on the island of AMbae in Penama Province. Therefore a Climate Change school activities will be held targeting primary and Secondary schools, with amazing prizes- DoCC kindly invites submissions from schools around Penama Province to participate in: Drawing competition: Grade 7-10 (Secondary School)
The National Disaster Management Office is hosting the IDRR Day at Saratamata on Saratamata, Ambae Island.
The Department of climate Change in its fourth year of organizing the National event to provide awareness program and activities to our communities, schools, and their people with issues around the impacts of climate change.
The Department will be carrying out Climate Change various activities from Wednesday11 th to Friday 13th October 2023 on the island of AMbae in Penama Province. Therefore a Climate Change school activities willbe held targeting primary and Secondary schools, with amazing prizes- DoCC kindly invites submissions from schools around Penama Province to participate in: -Poetry competition: Grade 1-6 (Primary School)
Wan Smolbag Theatre conducted a food security survey in the peri-urban communities behind WSB post TC Judy/ Kevin. WSB wanted to find out if there was a need to run a free lunch program to assist the same communities that were beneficiaries from the 2015-16 urban nutrition program; Tagabe Bridge, Chief Lally Komuniti and WSB Staff. 20% of Tagabe bridge and Chief Lally populations were interviewed, Tagabe Bridge had 155 respondents (out of an estimated population of 750), Chief Lally had 43 respondents (out of an estimated population of 250) and 23 WSB staff (out of 100 Port Vila based staff) were included in the survey. A total of 221 people were interviewed, 78 Male, 146 Female and 9 PLWD. 25% of households interviewed included a pregnant or breastfeeding woman. 80% of respondents had at least one household member in paid employment. The average number of children per household surveyed was 2.5.
The Government of Vanuatu, with the guidance of the Recovery Operations Centre (ROC) conducted a Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) with support from the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the Pacific Community (SPC). The PDNA, which took place during the months of April and May 2023, was implemented in collaboration with ADB, FAO, UNFPA, UNWOMEN, UNICEF, WHO, ILO, the World Bank.
The purpose of the PDNA was to identify the damage and loss caused by TC Judy and Kevin across all sectors, to assess the macro-economic and human impact of these disasters, to estimate the recovery needs in all sectors, and to inform Vanuatu’s short-, medium- and long-term recovery and reconstruction process through a well-planned Recovery Plan aligned to the country’s National Sustainable Development Plan 2016-2030. This report presents the final results of the PDNA.
The Department of climate Change in its fourth year of organizing the National event to provide awareness program and activities to our communities, schools, and their people with issues around the impacts of climate change. This is to ensure the National government through the Department of Climate change and its stakeholders provide the right information and key messages for people to make right and informed decisions through adaptation and mitigation actions in future. With this mandate, the Department will be carrying out Climate Change various activities from Wednesday11 th to Friday 13th October 2023 on the island of AMbae in Penama Province. Therefore the objective of this proposed program is to reach and conduct Climate Change awareness raising and influencing campaign to communities, schools on science, impacts and key messages in Climate Change aimed at providing the relevant and necessary information that will help people make informed decision in terms of preparedness, adaptation and mitigation measures in future.
This year event proposes interesting school activities targeting primary and Secondary schools, with amazing prizes- DoCC kindly invites submissions from schools around Penama Province to participate in:
-Poetry competition: Grade 1-6 (Primary School)
-Art/Drawing Competition: Year 7-10 (Secondary School)
-Climate Change Quiz : Year 9-10 (Secondary) direct coordination with DoCC
-Song & Drama Competition: ECCE (Stage presentation during IDRR & CC Symposium week (9th-13th October 2023)
This is the meeting minutes for NAB Climate Finance Working Group meeting No.3 held on the 8th of September, 2023.
Discussion procured within this meeting minutes is based Four importent climate finance agendas. More details, please refere to the attached meeting minutes.
National Forestry Week is a week long tree planting acitivity led by the Department of Forests.
The National Tree Planting Day was launched and declared by the Former Minister of Agriculture Hon. Seremiah Matai Nawalu as a national annual event on 23rd March 2016. The 21st of June was earmarked as a national planting day which each individual in Vanuatu was encouraged to plant a tree.
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests (IDF). The Day celebrates and raises awareness of the importance of all types of forests. On each International Day of Forests, countries including Vanuatu are encouraged to undertake local and national efforts to organize activities involving forests and trees, such as tree planting campaigns. The Department of Forestry has been taking lead as part of climate change mitigation efforts since 2015. The theme for each International Day of Forests is chosen by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests.
In 2024, the theme will be 'Forests and innovation.'
This case study examines the impact of temperature on electricity demand in Efate. Guidance around conducting this type of step-by-step assessment is provided in more detail on the Van-KIRAP web portal, along with other case studies (called infobytes), factsheets, visualisation tools and technical resources. This case study can be used as an example for undertaking similar climate hazard-based impact assessments.
This case study describes tropical cyclone impacts on agricultural production in Vanuatu, using a step-by-step approach. Guidance around conducting this type of step-by-step assessment is provided in more detail on the Van-KIRAP web portal, along with other climate impact related case studies (also termed infobytes), factsheets, visualisation tools and technical resources. This case study can be used as an example for undertaking similar climate hazard-based impact assessments.
This case study examines the impacts of climate change on marine heatwaves and seagrass in Vanuatu. Guidance around conducting this type of step-by-step assessment is provided in more detail on the Van-KIRAP web portal, along with other climate impact related case studies (also termed infobytes), factsheets, visualisation tools and technical resources. This case study can be used as an example for undertaking similar climate hazard-based impact assessments.
This case study describes climate change impacts on water security in Vanuatu, using a step-bystep approach. Guidance around conducting this type of step-by-step assessment is provided in more detail on the Van-KIRAP web portal, along with other climate impact related case studies (also termed infobytes), factsheets, visualisation tools and technical resources. This case study can be used as an example for undertaking similar climate hazard-based impact assessments.
A Roadmap to Promoting Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion in Climate Information Services in Vanuatu.
This gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) action plan has been developed for SPREP for the country of Vanuatu. It has been produced in addition to a GEDSI analysis for the Climate Information Services for Resilient Development in Vanuatu (Van KIRAP) project.
Following the United Nations Climate Change Gender Action Plan, this gender, disability and social inclusion action plan sets out outcomes and outputs under five priority areas that aim to advance knowledge and understanding of gender and inclusion-responsive climate action and mainstreaming.
1. Capacity building, knowledge management and communication
2. Gender balance, inclusive participation, and inclusive leadership
3. Coherence
4. Gender and inclusive-responsive implementation and means of implementation
5. Monitoring and reporting
Job / Tender Opportunity
The VanKIRAP Technical Report - Cost Recovery Mechanism and Models Appropriate for the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-hazards Department.
The Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-hazards Department (VMGD) is a government department within the Ministry of Climate Change, Meteorology, Geo-hazards, Energy, Environment and Disaster Management. The department was established under the Vanuatu Meteorological Service Act of 1989. The Meteorology, Geological Hazards and Climate Change Act of 2016 superseded this Act replaced. The new Act gives direction to the operations of VMGD. Specifically, it directs the department to collect, collate and make available meteorological, climate, climate change, and geohazard data and information, including archiving such data or information, amongst other duties (Republic of Vanuatu, 2017). Furthermore, the Act allows the department to achieve its mandate of installing and maintaining a national network of meteorological observation stations and all other necessary technical installations and equipment (Republic of Vanuatu, 2017).
This Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) has been developed to support thedesign of the proposed Green Climate Fund (GCF) programme: LoCAL: Supporting ResilientIsland Communities in Tuvalu, the Solomon Islands, Fiji and Vanuatu through the Local ClimateAdaptive Living (LoCAL) Mechanism.
Climate change magnifies socio-economic development challenges and compounds the negativeimpacts of unsustainable resource management practices in the Pacific Small Island DevelopingStates (SIDS) of Tuvalu, the Solomon Islands, Fiji and Vanuatu. These SIDS are particularlyvulnerable to climate change because of their high exposure to climate hazards such as sea levelrise, tropical storms, coastal inundation and extreme weather events. While local government andcommunities are uniquely placed to address these challenges, local adaptive capacity is constrainedby limited technical capacity and financial resources. However, local governments are also bestplaced to identify, prioritise and address climate change risks owing to their knowledge of localcontexts and needs.