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75 Results Found
Introduction to the EU-GIZ ACSE Programme Climate change is already disproportionally affecting the islands of the Pacific. Although Pacific ...
Status: Completed
The USP-EU GCCA project finalized and signed in December 2010 is a 4 year project allocating 8 million Euros to meet the challenges of climate change in the 15 ...
Status: Completed
New Certificate 1 Level 1Training Programon Climate Change (CC) and Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Background Vanuatu is currently experiences severe impacts of climate change, and the national government has ...
Status: Completed
The project seeks to strengthen existing systems both within Live & Learn, Government Agencies and the Ranputor community to increase resilience to the shocks of climate change in Vanuatu. ...
Status: Completed
Total Funding: US$149,707
IUCN Marine & Coastal Biodiversity in Pacific Islands Countries & Atolls Project (MACBIO) is supporting the Vanuatu Government achieve sustainable management of ecosystems and marine resources in country. Natural resources in ...
Status: Completed
Vanuatu has reformed its UNFCCC engagement approach since 2012, greatly expanding the caliber and capacity of its delegation to annual Conferences of the Parties, as well as opening the negotiation ...
Status: Completed
Total Funding: US$80,000
The Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) is based on the philosophy that efficient management of the climatic risks today is the foundation for managing the changed climatic risks ...
Status: Completed
PEBACC is a five year project funded by the German Government, implemented by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to explore and promote ecosystem-based options for adapting ...
Status: Completed
Progress to date and current activities: C-CAP mobilized to the region in November 2012, working primarily to establish its headquarters office in Port Moresby, and satellite office in Suva; ...
Status: Completed
Project ID: GEF ID 5037 Type of Project: FSP ...
Status: Completed
Natural resources in marine and coastal areas are of high economic importance for Pacific island countries and sustain the livelihoods of coastal communities. However, the need to conserve and ...
Status: Completed
The project, over a 36-month period, will identify and implement integrated agricultural system management approaches that increase climate resilience. The systems will be based on assessments of the robustness ...
Status: Completed
Pacific Islands are among the world’s most vulnerable regions to climate change as they are affected by repeated volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, cyclones, floods, droughts, and invasive sea level rise, which ...
Status: Proposed
Total Funding: US$643,195,923
Flagship initiatives are the first, best or most promising examples of successful ecosystem restoration that a country or region would like to be globally ...
Status: Proposed
Total Funding: US$5,000,000
The project is a public private partnership in Port Vila, Vanuatu. It comprises solar photovoltaic plants (5 MWp) with a battery energy storage system (BESS) (11.5 MW/6.75 MWh), owned by ...
Status: Proposed
Total Funding: US$11,500,000
This project aims to Respond Vanuatu’s obligations under para 29 of CMA3 UNFCCC decision, and to the urgent call by UN Secretary General, UNFCCC SG and COP26/COP27 Presidencies for all ...
Status: Completed
Total Funding: US$2,600,000
As this is a pre-concept note, it outlines the project’s components, expected outcomes, expected outputs, and related budget. The project’s goal is to assist Pacific Islands develop hydrological and water ...
Status: Proposed
Total Funding: US$13,959,881
The project consists of 5MWp solar photovoltaic (PV) plants with a 11.5 MW/6.75 MWh centralised battery energy storage system (BESS) with grid forming inverters (GIF) at Kawene, Undine Bay, and ...
Status: Proposed
Total Funding: US$12,900,000
A new blue green economic opportunity for North Efate is now ready for development in the Forari Bay area. The Forari Bay Development Company’s vision to create a multi-purpose North ...
Status: Proposed
Total Funding: US$1,000,000
Performance-Based Climate Resilience Financing Mechanism in Vanuatu - LoCAL Climate change is negatively impacting livelihoods for a majority of the population in Vanuatu, and is encumbering development and governance at ...
Status: Proposed
Total Funding: US$6,204,432