U.S. Peace Corps Small Project Assistance (SPA) for Adaptation |
Completed |
Uleveu Solar Powered Desalination System |
Completed |
UN Habitat City Resilience Profiling |
Current |
USAID - Pacific Islands Coastal Community Adaptation Project |
Completed |
USAID Institutional Strengthening for Pacific Island Countries to Adapt to Climate Change Project |
Current |
Using mobile phones to improve climate change projet montoring and evaluation in the Pacific |
Completed |
USP/EU GCCA Climate Change Adaptation Project |
Completed |
Implementing Adaptation and Mitigation |
Vanuatu Community Resilience Project |
Completed |
Vanuatu Community-based Climate Resilience Project |
Current |
25-50% |
Vanuatu Cross Cutting Capacity Development Project |
Current |