Vanuatu Green Climate Fund Readiness Program |
Completed |
Vanuatu Community Resilience Project |
Completed |
Education Sector Disaster Management for School Community Risk Reduction and Preparedness |
Completed |
Program for the development of climate resilient organic agriculture in Vanuatu |
Completed |
Together, Becoming Resilient |
Completed |
Vanuatu Rural Electrification Project |
Completed |
Vegetation and land cover mapping and improving food security for building resilience to a changing climate in Pacific island communities |
Completed |
Kaikai blong laef - ADRA Vanuatu Food Security Pilot Project |
Completed |
WISE REDD+ Project |
Completed |
Increasing Resilience to Climate Change and Natural Hazards in Vanuatu (IRCCNH) |
Completed |
0-25% |