Project Status Report

Project Title Status Progress FRDP Goals
Pacific Resilience Program Current
Pacific Climate Change Collaboration Influencing and Learning (PACCCIL) Project Current 50-75% Implementing Adaptation and Mitigation, Implementing tangible, on-ground adaptation measures, Enhanced resilience, National, National climate change action plans, relevant national projects, and/or vulnerability maps, Climate change considerations incorporated into key development sector policies and strategies, Access climate financing, National, National funding mechanisms to assist mobilization of additional climate change financing at national and community levels, Communication plan between national agencies involved in engaging donors so that management of climate change funding is optimized, Documented communication plan, Regional, Managing climate financing, National, Documented approach to climate change finance management and dissemination of climate change financing at national and community levels, Relevant records from national climate change financial focal points demonstrating coordination, Mitigation of global greenhouse gas emissions, Energy efficiency, National, National RE Policy Strategic Action Plan (REPSAP) which includes National Target, No. of national assessments of renewable energy (RE) resources potential and energy efficiency (EE) opportunities, No. of national policies and plans for reducing GHG emissions, including those related to renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) developed or updated., Reduction of GHGs emission to be in line with national communications to UNFCCC and national GHG mitigation policies, National Standards and Regulation for Electrical Appliances and white goods, No. of national Compliance (Monitoring & Evaluation) mechanism to assess the effectiveness of National Standards and Regulation for electrical appliances and electrical installations., No. of National Standards and Regulatory Framework for Electrical Appliance and White Goods, Incentive and Capacity building Mechanism for local businesses and financial institution to venture in local renewable energy and energy efficiency, No. of national capacity building programmes for local businesses and financial institutions to commercialise renewable energy and energy efficiency opportunities., Strong enabling environment, Governance and decision-making, National policies & frameworks, National, National climate change policy, Number of PICS with National climate change policies, Climate change policies integrated into relevant sectoral frameworks, Inter-departmental and cross sectoral teams for coordinated climate change planning and implementation, Number of national inter-departmental and cross-sectoral climate change teams formed, Regular inter-departmental and cross sectoral climate change team meetings held (annually), Documented prioritisation of national decision making processes for climate change integration, Number of regulatory and incentive based strategies and instruments for integrating climate into priority sectors, Bilateral and multilateral development partner regional policy, plans and strategies that incorporate climate change issues, Number of MoUs/agreements between regional agencies and donors with respect to climate change funding, Number of bilateral and multilateral development partner regional strategies that refer to climate change issues, Regional, Decision making tools, guidelines and ’model’ legislation for design and implementation of climate change policies and programs, Number of decision making tools and guidelines developed for design and implementation of climate change policies and programs, Technical assistance for the design and implementation of climate change policies and plans, Extent and scale of technical assistance, Effectiveness of technical assistance provided, Bilateral and multilateral development partner country policy, plans and strategies that incorporate climate change issues, Number of MoUs/agreements between national agencies and donors with respect to climate change funding, Number of bilateral and multilateral development partner country strategies that refer to climate change issues, Multidisciplinary coordination, National, Reports on the national activities taken to implement or complement the Pacific Islands Framework for Action on Climate Change, Regional, Support to international and regional private enterprises for involvement in climate change activities at the national and regional level, Mechanisms to support links and collaborations with key related regional initiatives and other regional policy drivers, Climate change in decision making, National, Documented prioritisation of national regulatory and incentive based strategies and instruments for climate change integration, National decision making processes incorporating climate change, Partnerships and cooperation, Partnership with agencies, National, Refer to Outputs under Outcome 2.2, International Partnerships, National, Active participation in the development and implementation of relevant international climate change programmes and the provision of high level and consistent national representation to climate change negotiations meetings, No. of relevant international climate change programme meetings attended, Level of delegations attending climate change programme meetings, Degree of input into climate change programme development and implementation, Enhanced Pacific advocacy for further international reduction in greenhouse gases and to secure equitable levels of resources for adaptation, National, Increased bilateral and international partnerships to address national climate change issues, Increase in the number of partners engaged in national climate change issues, No. of formal Memoranda of Understandings and other formal agreements between partners, No. of multi-partner projects implemented, Regional, Forums to promote high-level advocacy on mobilizing additional levels of adaptation financing for the region, No. of international forums where the need for enhanced levels of financing are made, Understanding climate science, impacts and adaptation, Improving understanding of climate change, Climate variability, Impacts & vulnerability, Regional, Training program to increase capacity for research and analyses on climate change impacts in key sectors, and improved regional and international collaboration, Number of co-authored (in-country and regionally-collaborative) peerreviewed scientific papers published, Number of key stakeholders from countries engaging and contributing knowledge and data, Number of projects and programs organised through regional and in-country universities focused on climate change, Number of regional meetings and networking opportunities facilitated for countries, Number of research papers published in peer reviewed publications, Mechanisms to collect, share and disseminate climate change information and data, and provide linkages to ongoing research, Number of key stakeholder and country requests to access knowledge products and data across the region, Number of key stakeholders from countries engaging and contributing knowledge and data, Publicity and utilisation of knowledge sharing mechanisms incountry and regionally as measured through the % exposure in relevant online, social and print media, Education, training and awareness, Community based, National, Institutional strengthening programmes to support key national and local institutions in the delivery of climate change education, training and awareness raising, In-country communications strategies developed, Institutional strengthening included in longterm organisational strategic plans, Uptake and delivery of programmes incountry, Regional, New training modules/materials published and disseminated, Integration into curriculum, Regional, Active networks between Pacific climate change practitioners are established, Resources for capacity development through intra-regional cooperation and training, Traditional Knowledge, Regional, Active networks between Pacific climate change practioners are established, Growth in annual network participation rates, Number of active sector, thematic and subregional networks, Documented evidence of regional exchange of best practice and lessons learned from adaptation activities, processes and policies, Awareness among key PICT decision-makers of regional best practices, Regional reports of relevant adaptation activities, processes and policies published and disseminated
Western Santo Conservation and Resilience Program Current
EU-GIZ Adapting to Climate Change and Sustainable - Energy Component Current
Strengthening Vanuatu’s Engagement with the International Climate Change Negotiations and its Obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Current 0-25%
Pacific Islands Coastal Community Adaptation Project (C-CAP) Completed
COP 21 UNFCCC Completed
Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Project Completed
Climate Proofing Development in the Pacific Completed
Enhanced Climate Change Resiliency of Food Production Systems in Selected Pacific Island Countries Completed