Vanuatu Klaemet blong Redy, Adapt mo Protekt (VanKIRAP) Project |
Current |
25-50% |
Strong enabling environment, Climate change in decision making, Partnerships and cooperation, Understanding climate science, impacts and adaptation, Future climate change, Traditional Knowledge |
Vanuatu Infrastructure Reconstruction and Improvement Project |
Current |
Vanuatu Green Climate Fund Readiness Program |
Completed |
Vanuatu Ecosystems and Adaptation Project |
Completed |
Vanuatu Cross Cutting Capacity Development Project |
Current |
Vanuatu Community-based Climate Resilience Project |
Current |
25-50% |
Vanuatu Community Resilience Project |
Completed |
USP/EU GCCA Climate Change Adaptation Project |
Completed |
Implementing Adaptation and Mitigation |
Using mobile phones to improve climate change projet montoring and evaluation in the Pacific |
Completed |
USAID Institutional Strengthening for Pacific Island Countries to Adapt to Climate Change Project |
Current |