Adapting to Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (ACSE) EU-GIZ |
Completed |
Uleveu Solar Powered Desalination System |
Completed |
Sharing Perceptions of Adaptation, Resilience and Climate Knowledge (SPARCK) |
Completed |
Tourism Component- SPC-GIZ Coping With Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region |
Completed |
Localizing Global Climate Change Policies in Vanuatu: reception of knowledge and cultural transformations |
Completed |
Global Climate Change Alliance – Vanuatu Project - Component A |
Completed |
Natural Solutions to Climate Change in Pacific Islands Region: Implementing Ecosystem-based Adaptation / Pacific Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change (PEBACC) |
Completed |
Traditional Knowledge & Climate Indicators Project |
Completed |
ArtTEK Tanna: Nainé Resilient Societies Center |
Completed |
LIDAR Survey of Aneityum for sustainable traditional agriculture, food security and monitoring of environmental change |
Completed |