Mangrove Ecosystems for Climate Change Adaptation & Livelihoods (MESCAL) Project |
Completed |
Implementing Adaptation and Mitigation |
Malekula Water Supply Project: Increase Resilience of Vulnerable and Marginalized Communities of Malekula Island through Integrated Water Resource Management and Ecosystem-based Interventions. |
Proposed |
0-25% |
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction |
Current |
Low Emission Capacity Building Programme Phase II (LECB II) |
Current |
75-100% |
Implementing Adaptation and Mitigation |
Localizing Global Climate Change Policies in Vanuatu: reception of knowledge and cultural transformations |
Completed |
LIDAR Survey of Aneityum for sustainable traditional agriculture, food security and monitoring of environmental change |
Completed |
Leveraging the National Green Energy Fund to Achieve Rural Electrification in Vanuatu |
Proposed |
0-25% |
Kaikai blong laef - ADRA Vanuatu Food Security Pilot Project |
Completed |
Joj blong yumi i help long taem blong disasta - Enhancing the Capacity of Churches to respond in a disaster |
Completed |
Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Resilience in the Pacific Islands |
Proposed |
0-25% |