PacIMS and other online courses

 The Pacific Islands Emergency Management Alliance (PIEMA) project at SPC.


As part of their work, they developed the Pacific Incident Management Systems (PacIMS) and Emergency Operations Centre Awareness (EOCA) online courses that are hosted by SPC’s Moodle platform. In addition, they recently launched seven (7) additional modules, namely:


1.            Disaster Risk Management

2.            Exercise Management

3.            Leadership during disasters

4.            Diversity and Inclusion in DRM

5.            Disaster Communications

6.            Transition to recovery

7.            The role of agencies and clusters in DRM


These online courses are free and accessible through this registration portal. We have approached the AHP Coordinator here in Suva but wanted to extend the invitation to you in Vanuatu. If you or your members are interested, please share this email with them.


If you have any question contact Patrick Haines on  

Closing Date: 