Online Course: International Environmental Negotiations
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Multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) are the predominant legal method for addressing transboundary environmental problems. Nowadays States, particularly least developed countries and developing countries, face the challenge of implementing over 300 MEAs with limited technical, financial and human resource capabilities. Several countries need to develop their capacities for the better implementation of environmental obligations at the national level in order to ensure adequate application and compliance of MEAs. Thus, training and capacity development are key resources for effective global environmental protection.
UNITAR is aware of the fact that States need to enhance their national capacities in order to meet their environmental obligations. For this reason UNITAR offers the Series of e-Learning Courses on International Environmental Law that is composed of 4 courses.
Event Objectives
The overall goal of this course is to provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to a specialized topic in the field of international relations which is steadily growing in importance. Thus, the course presents concepts, processes and techniques on negotiation in general and multilateral negotiations in particular before considering the distinctive features of environmental negotiations. In addition, the course offers practical skills development for successful participation in an international environmental negotiation.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the course participants will able to:
- Define intergovernmental negotiation and develop an understanding of the factors shaping the behavior of negotiators.
- Explain the dynamic nature of international negotiations, describing the tools that negotiators use to achieve their ends.
- Describe the characteristics of multilateral negotiations and differentiate between the groups of actors involved.
- Develop an understanding of the institutional context in which multilateral negotiations take place.
- Distinguish environmental negotiations from other types of international negotiations.
- Develop an understanding of the importance of the identity and personality of negotiators
- Identify the best strategy and negotiation skills to be used in an international environmental negotiation.
Content and Structure
The e-Course on International Environmental Negotiations is the fourth course of the UNITAR Series of e-Learning Courses on IEL and it can be taken separately from the other courses of the Series. The e-Course is composed of following lessons:
Lesson 1: Negotiations in General
Lesson 2: Multilateral Negotiations
Lesson 3: Environmental Negotiations
Lesson 4: Advice to Negotiators.
The e-Course will be conducted in English and be delivered over two weeks starting on Monday, 26 November 2012. The successful completion of the course requires an average study-time of 10 hours per week.
The e-courses will be given through UNITAR’s virtual platform. Thus, participants need a minimum hardware and software equipment (nearly all computers fit this) and basic computer skills such as logging into websites, navigating the Internet, using Microsoft Word, uploading/downloading documents, and of course a reliable Internet connection.
Platform: Windows 95, 98, 2000, 2003, 2007, NT, ME or XP; MacOS 9 or MacOS X.
Hardware: 64 MB of RAM, 1 GB of free disk space.
Software: Adobe Acrobat Reader (download for free at
Browser: Mozila Firefox (download for free at or Internet Explorer (download for free at Note JavaScript & Cookies must be enabled.
Modem: 56 K.
The assessment activities prepared to evaluate the extent to which participants meet the Learning Objectives are based on sound adult learning pedagogical principles. They include:
- Taking online self-assessments in the form of quizzes.
- Analyzing case studies which allow participants to apply the knowledge freshly acquired to a practical exercise.
- Drafting short written essays related to the course content which are evaluated by the course moderators.
- Participating in discussion forums which are lead by course moderators who reply to participants’ contributions and summarize the issues discussed.
In order to assure interactive exchange as well as provide participants with personalized learning assistance the number of participants will not exceed 30.
The course will be moderated by Prof. Iwona Rummel-Bulska.
Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a Certificate of Participation issued by UNITAR. Participants who successfully complete all four e-courses of the Series will receive a Certificate of Completion (even if the e-courses were taken in different sessions).
Targeted Audience
- Government officials from ministries of environment and related ministries such as agriculture, forest, water, tourism, foreign affairs;
- International civil servants and NGO representatives working in the field of environmental law, environmental management, international relations, international politics and other areas relating to sustainable development;
- Judges, prosecutors and lawyers dealing with environmental issues;
- Academics, private sector professionals and graduate students who would like to specialize in international environmental law.