Call for Techincal Assistance: Vanuatu's Third National Communication to the UNFCCC
The Ministry for Climate Change is formally advertising for the Expression of Interest (EoI) for the provision of technical assistance on Vanuatu’s Third National Communication (TNC) to the UNFCCC.
The focus of this technical assistance is to assist to develop the National Inventory Report (NIR) on Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) from the years 2006-2012, carry out greenhouse gas mitigation analyses and Vulnerability study including recommended adaptation measures for identified vulnerable sectors. These outputs will be submitted as part of Vanuatu’s Third National Communication to the UNFCCC.
The selection of consulting firm to provide the technical assistance will be conducted through a two-stage process comprising of Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) and Request for Proposal (RfP)through competitive tendering. This advertisement is a call for EoI inviting potential applicants to submit REOI document for evaluation to be short-listed for RfP.
EoI submissions will be evaluated and scored in accordance with criteria defined in the prequalification package. Only short-listed organisations will be provided access to the tender documents and authorised to submit qualified tenders.
All EoI submissions must be submitted in sealed envelopes & delivered to:
The Secretary, Central Tenders Board Office, Ministry of Finance & Economic Management, PMB 9058, Top Floor, S.I.P Building, Port Vila by latest Friday 20th April 2018 at 02:00 pm, and clearly marked ‘Confidential: REOI 001/18 Expression of Interest for technical assistance on Vanuatu’s Third National Communications (TNC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
For REoI document including clarifications of its content, and for any further information contact:
Mr George Samuel – Project Co-ordinator (TNC & BUR), Ministry of Climate Change, PMB 9067, Meteo Complex, Port Vila. Contact: +678 22068 or