Provincial SIMEX Guidelines
According to the National Disaster Act each provincial council must prepare a Provincial Disaster Plan for the province to respond effectively to the impact of a disaster and should be tested regularly by provincial stakeholders to evaluate, adapt and update. The Provincial Simulation Exercise Guideline aims to provide conceptual framework and methodological guidance to test and review the Provincial Disaster and Climate Response Plans (PDCRP) developed by the provincial government officers with the support of National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) of Vanuatu and the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) stakeholders.The handbook allows the Provincial Disaster and Climate Change Committees (PDCCC) and the Area Council Secretaries (ACS), to organize, develop and evaluate simulations and drills to reinforce their knowledge and skills in term of emergency and disSimulation Exerciseaster management and the Provincial Emergency Operation Center (PEOC), through (SimEx).The target audience of this tool is the NDMO and DRR Stakeholders, from national and provincial level involved in the preparation and the facilitation of such exercise. The guideline proposes an approach to develop a provincial SimEx that can be adapted according to human resources, time frames and budgets available for this activity. It also provides a range of templates, forms, exercises, scenarios and injects that could be used for the SimEx implementation.
Provincial SIMEX Guidelines.pdf (4.46 MB)