Guide Book For The Development Of A Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action On Efficient Lighting
In 2010, global greenhouse gas emissions were 47.9 Gt compared to 35.8 Gt in 1990. Apart from the growth in international transport, this increase stemmed exclusively from industrialization in developing, non-Annex I countries1, 2. Every year, the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC continues to seek an agreement that will decisively reduce the growing greenhouse gas emissions. Focus has been placed on the distribution of responsibilities and actions to address the challenges, guided by the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.Reflecting the changing balance in greenhouse gas emissions, the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) is a recent interpretation of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. In addition to developed countries’ commitments to quantitative reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, developing countries are invited to contribute with voluntary actions that are ‘nationally appropriate’ deviations from ‘business as usual’ emissions scenarios. Such deviations may be captured in low-carbon (or low-emission) development strategies, and then implemented as NAMAs.As the UNFCCC did not provide further definitions for NAMAs, it is up to the developing countries to interpret it according to their national contexts. A series of decisions made during the Conferences of the Parties to the UNFCCC, since 2007, may be relevant for defining NAMAs. In the context of this Guidebook, a NAMA can be considered as any mitigation action tailored to the national context, characteristics and capabilities, and embedded in national sustainable development priorities3 . Countries can submit their NAMAs to the UNFCCC’s NAMA Registry, for preparation assistance, recognition, or for international support4 . Submissions to the NAMA Registry are voluntary. Anyone can develop or promote a NAMA but only a national authority can approve submission of a NAMA to the NAMA Registry. For links to the NAMA Registry, see Annex A.
NAMA Guidebook (2.15 MB)