Call for Proposals: Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFS) Grants Facility
The Pacific Island Forum Secretariat is seeking Grant Applications under the EU-funded Strengthening Non-state Actors (NSAs) Engagement in Regional Policy Development and Implementation Programme.
The Grants aim to strengthen and support NSAs to actively participate and contribute to regional policy development and implementation.
The specific objectives of the Grant Facility are:
1. Create spaces for non-state actors to participate in, or influence regional policy dialogue;
2. Strengthen linkages and information flows to constituent groups;
3. Building capacity for meaningful policy dialogue;
4. Research, analysis and advocacy strategy development around regional policy issues.
The Guidelines for Applicants, which specifies the eligibility criteria, application instructions, and the evaluation procedures are available for download on the following internet site:
The deadline for submission of proposals is 19th May 2017.