Feasibility assessment, project description and GHG emissions and removal budget for Penaoru and Petawata, Santo Island, Vanuatu

The assessment of available remote sensing data indicates, that there is almost no potential foractivities reducing deforestation within the CCA/REDD site. Reducing forest degradation byeliminating invasive weeds might show some potential for emission reductions and removals, butrequires further research to assess the management options and their carbon dynamics. The community areas of Penaoru and Petawata show a potential of 664 ha for enhancing forestcarbon stocks activities. However, 65% of the potential is located outside the CCA/REDD site inareas around the villages. Only one third of the potential (219 ha) relates to areas larger than 1ha.Given the spatial distribution of potential sites, the original concept of a combined CCA-REDD sitehas to be modified. The CCA area can be maintained as established, but its management plan shouldallow for A/R activities considering that some Sandalwood stands have already been establishedinside. In case the REDD+ activities will only encompass A/R activities, the boundaries of theREDD+ sites will become obsolete and can be replaced by the community boundaries. Within thisscenario, Penaoru, Petawata and other communities will register their A/R activities and sites in a(sub)national registry applying an approved protocol. The registry will operate a spatial databaseof all EFCS activities, and measure, report, and verify their GHG removals. In its mature state, theregistry will account for all eligible REDD+ activities across islands and community territories.Early movers willing to participate in piloting REDD+ on Santo Island would have to register theiractivities based on consolidated community territories. 

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