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The Provincial CCDRR Policy Awareness to the Malampa PTAC Members,
Faciliator : Ericksen Packett - Planning and Policy Officer, Johnny Tarry - DoCC Monitoring and Evaluation Officer and Cynthy Hosea - Information Management System Officer
21st September marks the NAPs proposal consultation conducted with national stakeholders. This event is organised by Ministry of Climate Change in close collaboration with the Global Green Growth Institute office based in Vanuatu.
Community based fisheries management consultation with the communities of Lamap and surrouding area in South East Malekula
CCDRR Policy consulation with Provincial stakeholders
CCDRR Policy consulation with Provincial stakeholders
The will a National Validation Workshop for the CCDRR Implementation Plan on this date in Port Vila.
More details of this meeting will be out soon.
Dear partners and stakeholders of the Guide to Green Entrepreneurship in Vanuatu publication
Dear translators and language experts
Warm greetings from the Regional Pacific NDC Hub
Energy Dialogue involving both the government and private sector
The Executive Committee of the VCCI Vanuatu Business Resilience Committee will utilize time on the third day to meet directly with the NDA and Accredited Entities to review outcomes from the tradeshow as well as develop concrete steps and actions to include into the workplans of VBRC and the NDA.
The format will be informal, but facilitated by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. Space will be given for bilateral discussions as required.
Vanuatu’s Private Sector in cooperation with the Ministry of Climate Change (National Designated Authority to the Green Climate Fund) is hosting a one-day mini-trade-show on Climate Financing in Port Vila, on 5 April 2018
• Highlight Vanuatu private sector’s climate adaptation and mitigation services, products & investment opportunities
• Enhance relationship between Vanuatu’s private sector and accredited entities to major climate funds
The Pacific Community (SPC), and the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation are running a consultation on the preliminary findings of the Vanuatu gender and agriculture assessment to seek feedback and views from key stakeholders in government, civil society and the private sector working in agriculture and rural development.
Objectives: The purpose of the Multi-Stakeholder and Technical Inception Workshop is to officially launch and commence the Project and raise awareness of how key stakeholders can be involved in the ongoing delivery of the Project. More specifically the Inception Workshop has the following objectives:
For more information please contact the NAB Secretariat by:
- Phone on 22068
- Email on nab@meteo.gov.vu / nsolzer@vanuatu.gov.vu
Workshop objectives are to:
- Present the draft SOP for project appraisal & templates.
- Continue stakeholder consultation on the draft SOP and collect final feedback for finalisation.
For more information please contact the NAB Secretariat by:
- Phone on 22068
- Email on nab@meteo.gov.vu / nsolzer@vanuatu.gov.vu
This technical workshop will be greatly complimented by the participation and input from all esteemed Vanuatu marine experts.
Green Climate Fund Readiness Program Summit Information Note
1.Climate Finance Background
The Government of Vanuatu, through the National Advisory Board on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Secretariat (NAB Secretariat) is supporting a review of the status of implementation of the Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR) for Vanuatu.
The NAB Secretariat would like to invite you to participate in this review by:
· Attending a half-day workshop, 8:30am-2:00pm on Monday 26th of June 2017 (Venue: Ramada)
The Ministry of Climate Change and Adaptation, the Commonwealth Secretariat and UN Environment have the pleasure to invite you to participate in a Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on the Development of a Law and Climate Change Toolkit, to be held on Thursday 22nd March 2017, from 9.30 am until 4.30 pm.
Pacific Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change will be hosting a stakeholder workshop on the 13th June 2017. The purpose of the workshop is to provide feedback to the stakeholders on the recent Ecosystem and Socio-economic Resilience Analysis and Mapping process done for Port Vila, and then to workshop Ecosystem-based Adaptation implementation options in the Greater Port Vila region.