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The Vanuatu Information Services for Resilient Development in Vanuatu (Van CIS RDP) project was approved at the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Fifteenth Meeting of the Board in Apia, Samoa from 13-15 December, 2016. The approval was made with a number of conditions and requirements that have been put forward by the GCF Secretariat, the Independent Advisory Panel, and the GCF Board. The one week country consultation workshop will bring together key project stakeholders to work together to make significant and substantial progress towards meeting the conditions placed on the project.
Re: Invitation for the Climate Finance Stakeholder Consultation
We write to inform you that a joint SPC/GIZ team from Fiji will be visiting Vanuatu from 20th – 24th March 2017, and would like to invite you to a stakeholder consultation at the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-Hazards Department conference room on Friday 24th March 2017 from 8.30am to 2.00pm.
On behalf of the Department of Environment and IUCN, I would like to invite you all again to the final consultation of the NBSAP , Scheduled to take place on Thursday, 24th November at the Melanesian Hotel.
The Ministry of Climate through DEPC and IUCN will be conducting the GEF6 national stakeholder consultation from 07 – 11 November in Port Villa. This will include meeting with relevant government departments and ministries, NGOs, private sectors, civil society groups and individuals through focus group meeting, workshop and interviews with individuals. The objectives of the consultations are:
Good afternoon Colleagues,
This is an important note to inform you of the upcoming National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) National Consultation Workshop.
The workshop will be hosted at The Melanesian from the 19th - 21st October 2016.
I initially wanted the workshop to be staged in one of the nearby villages, however I have moved it back to Vila due to this unexpected dry season.
DFAT has engaged interim climate change advisory support to assist our program managers to better understand and enhance Australia’s climate change aid investment portfolio in the Pacific. To support this work, the advisers are seeking to meet with national stakeholders to understand current in-country climate change priorities and existing activities.
Dear FSAC members,
We are sending this email to advise that the FSAC SOP consultation meeting that is planned for tomorrow has been postponed to next week.
Below is the new meeting details:
Date: Wednesday 7 September 2016
Time: 2pm
Venue: "Yumi Go Haos" (Directorate Building) conference room.
There are no changes on the agenda as per document attached.
The Risk & Resilience Unit, as Secretariat to the Food Secuirty & Agriculture Cluster, will be hosting a La Nina Food Secuirty Planning exercise to define the most appropriate messaging and interventions. For more information, contact Joshua Mael jomael@vanuatu.gov.vu
Dear sector partner
Efate CSO Consultation on Climate Change and REDD+ - August 15th - 19th