Translation validation of the “Guide to Green Entrepreneurship in Vanuatu”

Dear partners and stakeholders of the Guide to Green Entrepreneurship in Vanuatu publication 

Dear translators and language experts

Warm greetings from the Regional Pacific NDC Hub

We have great pleasure in inviting you to a workshop to validate the translation of the “Guide to Green Entrepreneurship in Vanuatu”, to be held on Thursday 12 September from 9.00am – 4pm. Venue is tentatively the MSG Secretariat Conference Room, Port Vila (to be confirmed).

The development of the “Guide to Green Entrepreneurship in Vanuatu” was supported by the Regional Pacific NDC Hub in recognising that the active engagement and creative innovation of local Vanuatu businesses is crucial for developing sustainable and resilient economies and societies. Their involvement is also necessary for the successful implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

The Regional Pacific NDC Hub, through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), is supporting the translation of the Guide Bislama. The translation of the Guide to the local languages serves to broaden outreach and increase the understanding of local businesses and budding entrepreneurs, across all communities. This is expected to ultimately contribute to Vanuatu’s Vanuatu Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Policy 2016 - 2030 vision for a resilient community, environment and economy and to the overall vision of Vanuatu 2030 People’s Plan for a stable, sustainable and prosperous nation .

Over the last month, the translator has been working on the Bislama version of the Guide. The workshop has the main objective of reviewing and validating the translated text. The working sessions of the validation workshop will be jointly facilitated by the lead translator and technical experts.

Please find attached the draft workshop programme and the draft translated document for your early review.

We look forward to your participation in this workshop as your expertise and knowledge will be invaluable in ensuring an accurate and reader friendly translated Guide.

 We would appreciate receiving your confirmation by COB Tuesday 10 September.

Thank you for your continuing support.

Best regards


MSG Independence Park

Event Details

Event Type: 
Start / End Date: 
Thursday, September 12, 2019 -
09:00 to 16:00