Stakeholder Consultation on the Development of Law and Climate Change Toolkit

The Ministry of Climate Change and Adaptation, the Commonwealth Secretariat and UN Environment have the pleasure to invite you to participate in a Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on the Development of a Law and Climate Change Toolkit, to be held on Thursday 22nd March 2017, from 9.30 am until 4.30 pm.

Implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change, as well as continued implementation of the UNFCCC, frequently requires the revision of current or development of new policies and legislation at national level. In particular, countries may use domestic law to create overarching obligations to take climate mitigation or adaptation action, as well as to enact a range of measures in other national legislation. Examples of such 'legal intersections' with issues of climate change include laws on emissions, energy markets, land use, water and forestry management, transport, migration, subsidy and taxation, as well as legal frameworks related to climate finance.

The Commonwealth Secretariat, in close cooperation with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat (UNFCCC) and UN Environment, is presently undertaking work to develop a toolkit that can support countries in reflecting climate change issues across a range of national laws. The language of a 'toolkit' does not imply that there is a single instrumental solution to the development of climate change legal frameworks, but rather aims to provide a resource that can be tailored to local needs. 

The Consultation is planned with a view to introducing work on the toolkit, and seeking a wide range of views from key stakeholders as to how such a toolkit could support law reform in support of climate change mitigation and adaptation. 

The Consultation is one of a number of such meetings, which the Secretariat is undertaking with small and developing Commonwealth countries. Your views and experience on climate change priorities, issues and laws will feed directly into the development of the toolkit, enabling it to provide the most effective support possible to both Vanuatu and other Commonwealth countries. 

VMGD Conference Room, Ministry of Climate Change

Event Details

Event Type: 
Start / End Date: 
Thursday, June 22, 2017 -
09:30 to 16:30