Private Sector Climate Finance Tradeshow
Vanuatu’s Private Sector in cooperation with the Ministry of Climate Change (National Designated Authority to the Green Climate Fund) is hosting a one-day mini-trade-show on Climate Financing in Port Vila, on 5 April 2018
• Highlight Vanuatu private sector’s climate adaptation and mitigation services, products & investment opportunities
• Enhance relationship between Vanuatu’s private sector and accredited entities to major climate funds
- Obtain widespread support for, and buy-in to, private sector’s aspirations to be fully involved in climate change program implementation
- Determine Vanuatu Private Sector’s key priorities to raise at the Melanesian Sub-regional Private Sector Workshop to Improve Access to Climate Finance and Promote Public-Private Partnerships to be held in Port Moresby from 9-10 April 2018
- Promote public-private partnerships
Expected Outcomes
- New climate change proposals/partnerships that explicitly include Vanuatu’s private sector actors as implementers, consultants and contractors
- Innovative ideas on how to better utilize the products and service of Vanuatu private sector to implement current (approved) climate change adaptation and mitigation projects
- Concept ideas for the Green Climate Fund Private Sector Facility
- Sharing and learning across Vanuatu’s private sector, government, NGOs and others about the capacities, skills and experience available within Vanuatu to implement climate change programs
The Trade Show will showcase 20-30 exhibitors from micro, small, medium and large businesses from several locations in Vanuatu as well as presentations from over 10 Green Climate Fund Accredited entities and readiness delivery partners working in the Pacific. Other relevant climate change actors including Government, civil society, academia and development partners will also be invited. It is expected that up to 300-400 people will attend the one day trade show. The Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce’s Vanuatu Business Resilience Committee and the Ministry of Climate Change’s Secretariat to the National Advisory Board on Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction will convene and host the tradeshow. Other kay partners, including GIZ, GGGI, PIFS, UNDP and USAID will provide technical expertise and facilitation support.
The one-day trade-show is part of the Vanuatu Business Resilience Committee’s goal to allow micro, small and medium enterprises operating in Vanuatu to showcase their capacities and service directly to local, regional and international entities that are accredited to administer multi-million dollar climate finance projects across the Pacific region.
The trade-show will be to encourage Accredited Entities & GCF Readiness Delivery Partners and project developers of the Green Climate Fund and other major sources of climate finance, to utilize wherever possible the services products and expertise of Vanuatu’s private sector stakeholders in order to maximize project outcomes and climate transformation. At present Vanuatu has a healthy GCF project pipeline and it is essential that private sector actors are considered to effectively and sustainably implement these programs. The Trade-Show will bring these relevant actors together with the belief that no one sector in society can deliver the complexities of sustainable development and climate resilience alone.
It is expected that the following international accredited entities and readiness delivery partners (with Vanuatu climate finance engagement current or planned) will take part in the Port Vila Trade-Show to learn about the investment and cooperation opportunities with Vanuatu’s private sector:
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
- International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- Save the Children (SCA)
- Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
- World Bank
The trade-show in Port Vila will serve as a prequel to the upcoming Melanesian Sub-regional Private Sector Workshop to Improve Access to Climate Finance and Promote Public-Private Partnerships to be held in Port Moresby on 9-10 April 2018. The sub-regional workshop in Port Moresby is jointly organised by PIFS and USAID Climate Ready, in collaboration with PNG’s Climate Change and Development Authority. Two private sector representatives will be funded to represent Vanuatu at the Port Moresby meeting and showcase the Vanuatu tradeshow outcomes and successes at a regional level.