GCF Climate Information & Services for Resilient Development Project Inception Workshop
Objectives: The purpose of the Multi-Stakeholder and Technical Inception Workshop is to officially launch and commence the Project and raise awareness of how key stakeholders can be involved in the ongoing delivery of the Project. More specifically the Inception Workshop has the following objectives:
- Officially launch and commence the implementation of the Project.
- Clarify roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders, including VMGD, SPREP, the 5 priority Sectors and Delivery Partners;
- To raise awareness amongst key stakeholders about the project and identify areas of possible engagement with other stakeholders such as non-government organisations;
- Finalize the first Annual Joint Work Plan and Procurement Plan;
- Update the Environment & Social Safeguard Framework (ESMF), Gender Action Plan (GAP), Results Framework and the Communication & Visibility Plan (CVP) for the project.
Expected Outputs: A project inception report will be developed by VMGD with the support of SPREP and will be circulated to key stakeholders for comments prior to finalization. More specifically, the expected outputs of the Inception Workshop are:
- Increased understanding stakeholders about the project, its objectives, deliverables and benefits as well as the governance and implementation arrangements for the project;
- Updated joint work plan of the first year of the project and procurement plan;
- Updated ESMF, GAP, Results Framework and the CVP;