Emerging voices in ICT and Agriculture

The new booklet published by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA ACP-EU) features 20 young people and three organizations, that have been involved in the CTA youth project called ARDYIS (Agriculture Rural Development and Youth in the Information Society).


In addition to portraying authors and highlighting their perspectives on youth involvement in agriculture using ICTs, the document presents summaries of best essays submitted for the contest «Youth finding solutions to challenges in agriculture and rural development using ICTs!», organised in 2010. It also presents the results of the Youth in Agriculture Blog Competition (YoBloCo Awards) completed in 2012. Submissions received demonstrated that many young people are ready to strengthen their involvement in agriculture and are using ICTs to contribute to enhance it.


Agriculture in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries faces many challenges. While youth unemployment is critical in most countries, many young people perceive agriculture as an unattractive career option. It is therefore evident that a well supported agricultural sector, strengthened by the use of new information technologies, would present an ideal solution. Agriculture has to become more attractive, viable and offer the youth improved opportunities for income. It is this that CTA supported youth related initiatives aim to bring about.


CTA’s own experience tells that among the young people whose contributions are highlighted in this booklet are the future leaders of ACP agricultural and rural development. Some of them are already making a difference in their communities and they will certainly achieve more in the future. They are the ones to watch!


The publication is available for download (2,8 Mo) in pdf format from here

and a print version will be available shortly.


The "Agriculture, Rural Development and Youth in the Information Society" (ARDYIS) project is a CTA initiative which aims to improve opportunities for youth in agriculture and rural development through the use of ICTs. It is implemented in collaboration with an Advisory Committee composed of several ACP organisations: FARA (Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa); AYF (African Youth Foundation); ANAFE (African Network for Agriculture, Agroforestry and Natural Resources Education); Yam Pukri Association; PAFPNet (Pacific Agriculture and Forestry Policy Network); CAFAN (Caribbean Farmers' Network).


For updates on the ARDYIS project activities, follow us on Facebook



(CTA, Ardyis project, October 2012)



Thank you/Regards

Ken Lohento