ACSE Project Information

Climate change is already disproportionally affecting the islands of the Pacific. Although Pacific islanders have done little to contribute to the cause producing less than 0.03% of current global greenhouse gas emissions they are among the first to be exposed and the least able to respond. At the same time, despite efforts to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and improve energy security, many PACPs remain almost 100% dependent on imported petroleum products for power generation and transportation. Sustainable energy (SE) and climate change adaptation (CCA) are therefore top priorities for PACP governments as expressed in regionally endorsed frameworks and in national policies and strategic documents.In response, the European Union (EU) is assisting Pacific ACP countries (PACPs)1 through a new regional Programme: Adapting to Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (ACSE) funded out of the 10th European Development Fund (EDF 10) Pacific regional envelope. This programme has been designed in partnership with the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat.


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