MoCC / NAB Capacity Building Training on National Climate Governance Mechanisms for Investment Approval
Brief Project Summary:
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme project, Enhancing Vanuatu’s Ability to Seek Accreditation and Direct Access to the GCF, is being delivered through the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in partnership with the Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC), Department of Finance and Treasury (DoFT), and the Department of Strategic Policy, Planning and Aid Coordination (DSPPAC). The 18-month GCF Readiness project aims to support the accreditation of MFEM, first as a Delivery Partner for GCF Readiness and then as a full Direct Access Entity, with the MoCC as the cooperating Executing Entity.
The GCF’s investments globally are aimed at achieving maximum impact in the developing world, supporting paradigm shifts in both climate change mitigation and adaptation activities. The Fund is unique in its ability to engage directly with both the public and private sectors in transformational climate-sensitive investments, offering a wide range of financial products including grants, concessional loans, subordinated debt, equity and guarantees. Importantly, the GCF employs a country-driven approach to ensure GCF investments operate in harmony with national priorities, such as Vanuatu’s National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP), National Aid Management Policy (AMP) and Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR) Policy.
Workshop Objectives:
As part of this project, GGGI in collaboration with the MoCC and National Advisory Board on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction (NAB) are delivering the sixth in a series of capacity building trainings for the Government of Vanuatu related to accreditation to the GCF. The purpose of this capacity building training is to provide a high-level overview of national climate governance mechanisms, including the NAB concept and proposal approval processes and their relationship to the GCF’s own approach and methodology. A draft agenda with key areas of discussion is attached for your review.