Adaptation Actions
181 - 200 of 506
174 - Design bullock pastures with appropriate mix of grasses: 70% grass, 30% legume
175 - Utilize gravity feed water systems to bring water into the pasture
176 - Use Bamboo ‘pipes’ to get water running into farms
177 - Use living fences to feed and provide moisture-filled leaves for bullocks during dry times.
178 - Feed chickens with moisture rich Navarra & other fresh foods and fruits (pawpaw, mango nakavika )
179 - Feed pigs with moisture rich foods like banana stem, taro , Navarra, pineapple, watermelon, climbing vines, Meremia big leaf.
180 - Cross breed and select for drought resistant bullock feed varieties
181 - Let chickens out of fence during the day to find water, but for sleeping come back inside.
182 - Allow chickens to drink dew on plants outside of the fence.
183 - Let pigs go into the coconut plantations and cut Navarra for them there
184(2) - Practice integrated agriculture; use animal manure for crop fertilization, and produce additional crops specially for pig feed
184 - Fence of plantations especially for use by pigs
185 - If domesticating wild pig varieties, ensure they have access to water rest areas
186 - Limit the water consumption of pigs to train them for leaner times
187 - During extreme drought farmer should consider reducing his stock (selling animals).
188 - During dry times, the bullocks should be mating, and during the wet productive growing seasons, the animals should be calving.
189 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient varieties of bullock
190 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient Rasta chickens
191 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient African chickens
192 - Utilize fast breeding African chickens